Words of the Holy Father-01-12-25 thank the Lord for Baptism

  Words of the Holy Father-01-12-25 thank the Lord for Baptism

I ask all of you: you, each one of you, think: “Do I remember the date of my Baptism?”. If you do not remember, when you return home, ask what it is, so as not to forget it any more, because it is a new birthday, because with your Baptism you were born into the life of grace. Let us thank the Lord for Baptism. Let us also 

thank him for the parents who brought us to the font, for those who administered the Sacrament, for the godfather, for the godmother, for the 

community in which we received him. To celebrate your own Baptism: it is a new birthday. And we can ask ourselves: am I aware of the immense gift I carry within me through Baptism? Do I acknowledge, in my life, the light of the presence of God, who sees me as his beloved son, his beloved daughter?

 And now, in memory of our Baptism, let us welcome God’s presence within us. We can do so with the sign of the cross, which traces in us the memory of the grace of God, who loves us and wishes to stay with us. That sign of the cross reminds us of this. Let us do it together: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. And do not forget the date of your Baptism, which is a birthday. (Angelus, 7 January 2024)


The Baptism of the Lord

Gospel and Thought for the Day - Vatican News https://www.vaticannews.va/en/word-of-the-day.html 

Gospel in Art: Feast of the Baptism of the Lord https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51493


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