Pope Francis: Our Baptism made us children of God

Pope Francis: Our Baptism made us children of God https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/48869

During his Sunday Angelus, on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Pope Francis reminded pilgrims gathered in St Peter's Square, and thousands watching online round the world, that the day they were baptized, we became children of God forever, and this date of great grace must be remembered and celebrated.

As he reflected on the day's Gospel passage, which recalls Jesus' Baptism by St John the Baptist, the Holy Father reminded the faithful how our Baptism extraordinarily changes our lives and immerses us in His infinite embrace.

Our Baptism, Pope Francis continued, has made us, in turn, "children of God... It is, in fact, not, like John's, a symbolic gesture, but," the Pope explained, "a real gift of divine, eternal life, an event of grace and communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

At our Baptism, we are immersed in "His infinite embrace, transmitting to us the power of His saving love."

Baptism, is the gift not only of a new life, but of becoming, in Jesus, beloved children of God forever, he said.

"Let us make a commitment to seek and remember the date of our Baptism; and today let us thank the Lord because since then He is not only with us, but in us."

"Let us also thank Him for the parents who brought us to the font, for those who administered the Sacrament to us, for the godfather and godmother, for the community in which we received Him."

The Pope urged the faithful to ask themselves some questions: "Am I aware of the immense gift I carry in me because of Baptism? Do I recognize, in my life, the light of God's presence, who sees me as His beloved son, as His beloved daughter?"

In the memory of our Baptism, the Pope invited the faithful to join in welcoming God's presence in us, and doing so with a Sign of the Cross. "Let us do it together: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

"May Mary, temple of the Spirit help us to celebrate and welcome the wonders the Lord performs in us."

Pope Francis concluded by asking the Blessed Mother to guide our paths, before offering a blessing to those gathered in the Square.

He also encouraged everyone to remember the date of their baptism, and if they do not know when it was, to find out and celebrate it as you would a birthday.

At the end of his address, Pope Francis prayed "for the unconditional release of all the people currently kidnapped in Colombia". This gesture, which is a duty before God, will also help promote a climate of reconciliation and peace in the country.

Once again, the Holy Father asked for peace in Ukraine, Israel, Palestine and other conflicts raging in our world.

He then expressed his closeness to the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where 300 have died following heavy rains that caused catastrophic flooding. Official data has shown that over 43,750 houses have collapsed from the extreme weather, while the country is on high alert as the risk of epidemics is rises due to the lack of sanitation and clean water.

Finally, Pope Francis also wished members of the Eastern churches following the Julian calendar a most "Holy Christmas in a spirit of joyful fraternity."


Read Pope Francis' full prepared address: www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/angelus/2024/documents/20240107-angelus.html

Watch the Angelus on the VaticanYoutube channel: www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQIFQD9470Y

Tags: Pope Francis, Baptism, Angelus


Gospel in Art: Feast of the Baptism of the Lord https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/48870

The Baptism of the Lord


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