Pope Francis: Our Baptism made us children of God
Pope Francis: Our Baptism made us children of God https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/48869 During his Sunday Angelus, on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Pope Francis reminded pilgrims gathered in St Peter's Square, and thousands watching online round the world, that the day they were baptized, we became children of God forever, and this date of great grace must be remembered and celebrated. As he reflected on the day's Gospel passage, which recalls Jesus' Baptism by St John the Baptist, the Holy Father reminded the faithful how our Baptism extraordinarily changes our lives and immerses us in His infinite embrace. Our Baptism, Pope Francis continued, has made us, in turn, "children of God... It is, in fact, not, like John's, a symbolic gesture, but," the Pope explained, "a real gift of divine, eternal life, an event of grace and communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit." At our Baptism, we are immersed in "His infinite embrace, ...