Congo Cannibals Won
Congo Cannibals Won Masaba was employed twenty-five years ago by Congo officials to commandeer rubber gatherers, men or women. He had authority, and when men would not go with him to work, he would shoot them down, cut them up, put them in a pot, add palm oil, cook them, and eat them. He ate his hundred! All the natives knew him. He was also the executioner for his chief, hacking off men's heads, and was known as the most cruel monster in all that Congo country. In December, 1927, he came to the Deti Hill station, directed by the Heart of Africa Mission, and inquired for Ma Risasi (Miss Mary Rees, whose African name means Miss Bullets, because she shoots the Gospel so fast). She treks down among the villages around Deti, alone, wades the streams, tackles big black men about their sins, preaches about hell and Heaven and God's requirement of righteousness. "...