Since the beginning of the Church, we have understood that Baptism actually affects us.

Since the beginning of the Church, we have understood that Baptism actually affects us. It is something that God does to us. Protestants (in one way or another) have rejected the idea that the Sacraments actually do stuff to us. Depending on the denomination, they may be closer or farther from the full truth of what Baptism does, namely: •Allows us to go to Heaven (CCC 1257, John 3:3-7) •Forgives all sins (CCC 1263) ◦Original sin ◦Actual sins (obviously none for babies) ◦Punishment due to sin (if you died right then, you'd go straight to Heaven--nothing to be purified in Purgatory) •Gives new life in the Holy Spirit (makes each person a new creature, CCC 1265-1266) ◦Adopted by God as a son or daughter ◦Given sanctifying grace (made a partaker in God’s life) ◾Given Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Fortitude, Counsel, Piety, Fear of the Lord) ◾Given Theological Virtues (Faith, Hope & Love) ◾Given Moral Virtues (prudence, justice, temperance, and...